Venom Prison Venom Prison - Path Of Exile

The hound waves my final chapter in this life
The path I have suffered, like a twist of the knive
The sky turns black as my past begins to rot.
I strayed the path as I have lost the train of thought
The hand of man deals lies, deceit and forsaken love
Like death, taking everything

I think hardly of the foes I've slain
Nor of the loved I've sent to die
Haunted by those that were buried alive

Depression keeps guard and chases like a shadow
All that you love will turn on you, be in the know
The path I have suffered, still crushing my soul

The hand of man deals lies
Deceit and forsaken love
Like death, taking everything
This is the path I've suffered
A way for me - to walk on my own
This is my path
Find your own road to hell